Faculty, staff asked for feedback on child safety policies

Johns Hopkins' child safety policy was approved and implemented nearly three years ago, and a recent review by the Office of Hopkins Internal Audits broadly found that the policy was adequate and being followed.

The review did, however, identify some gaps and challenges, so university leaders asked Elaine Hansen, executive director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, and Jon Links, a professor in the Bloomberg School of Public Health and the university's chief risk officer, to co-chair a committee addressing these issues.

Now, as part of Johns Hopkins' ongoing efforts to ensure the safety of minors on its campuses and in its programs, leadership is asking for feedback on the committee's recently released recommendations.

The draft report of the committee, which focused its work on policies around screening, training, and the definition of "covered programs," has been posted online.

In an email to faculty and staff, Robert Lieberman, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, and Daniel Ennis, senior vice president for finance and administration, asked faculty and staff to review the recommendations and to share their thoughts and suggestions by email to childsafetycommittee@jhu.edu no later than Monday, Aug. 31.

"We recognize the paramount importance of the university's commitment to the safety of minors, which includes protection against child sexual abuse, and any and all forms of child abuse and neglect," Lieberman and Ennis wrote. "Under Maryland law we all have a legal obligation to report suspected abuse or neglect, and our commitment extends beyond abuse to other aspects of children's health and well-being, including the prevention of unintentional injuries."

The state regulations can be found here.