Volunteers needed: Research studies of cognitive function

We are looking for people to participate in research studies involving either fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) or TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) combined with fMRI.

Studies take between three and four hours total, and you will be compensated $25/hour for your time. For more information on fMRI and/or TMS, see the NIMLAB webpage.

For more information on participating and to sign up, call us at 443-571-0947, or email us at labnim@jh.edu.

To be eligible to participate, you must:

  • Be 18-85 years old for fMRI, 18-50 for TMS
  • Be a native speaker of English (i.e., have learned English before the age of 5)
  • Be right-handed
  • Have a Social Security number or taxpayer ID (so we can pay you!)
  • Have no history of neurological disorders
  • Have no unremovable metal in your body (fillings in your teeth are OK)
  • Have no history of claustrophobia
  • For TMS studies: have no history of heart or respiratory disease, seizures or strokes