Provost's DELTA Teaching Forum: Session RFP and registration open

The Provost's DELTA Teaching Forum is scheduled for Thursday, May 1, at the Bloomberg Center for Physics and Astronomy on the JHU Homewood campus. This annual event provides a day of presentations, demonstrations, and networking opportunities devoted to the exploration of teaching innovation at Johns Hopkins University, including the work of DELTA grant recipients. The symposium is intended to provoke conversation, spark new thinking, and advance the ongoing pursuit of teaching excellence.

Plenary sessions will include a keynote address by Neil Richards, an exploratory performance on improv and teaching by Peabody faculty member Carl Dupont, and an afternoon student panel on student perspectives in education.

Faculty, students, and staff are encouraged to submit session proposals to showcase innovative or evidence-based teaching practices. The proposal deadline is March 23.

Join us in person on May 1 or participate virtually via Zoom (for most sessions).

Registration is open now.