When: Tuesday, April 8, 3–4:30 p.m.
Who: The JHU Teaching Academy and Inclusive Excellence Education and Development (IEED)
Registration: Register here
- Discuss the definition of "neurodiversity"
- Describe the experiences of neurodiverse learners in the classroom
- Apply recommended instructional approaches to classroom scenarios involving neurodiverse learners
Facilitated by Cathie Axe, executive director of Student Disability Services, and Jami Imhof, coordinator of Neurodiversity Services in Mental Health Services, this workshop will give instructors the tools they need to ensure the success of neurodiverse students in their courses. These include concrete tactics to deploy in the classroom, tips about designing a course that creates space for neurodiverse students, and information about JHU resources available to faculty and students. Especially notable is that the workshop will also discuss the experiences of neurodiverse students from their perspective, and participants will walk away with increased awareness about what it's like to be neurodiverse in the classroom at JHU.
- For in-person attendees, the Barber Conference Room in Scotts-Bates Commons provides full ADA accessibility, with an accessible entrance on North Charles Street (see the map here). For additional required accommodations, note those on your registration form and/or contact Haley Knapp at hknapp3@jhu.edu.
- For Zoom attendees, closed captioning will be enabled. For additional required accommodations, note those on your registration form and/or contact Haley Knapp at hknapp3@jhu.edu.
Johns Hopkins is committed to promoting the full participation of all individuals with disabilities. In all situations, a good faith effort (up until the time of the event) will be made to provide accommodations. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact Haley Knapp at hknapp3@jhu.edu.