Earn up to $200 participating in research (youths 12-17)

The Johns Hopkins Center for OCD, Anxiety, and Related Disorders in Children (COACH) is conducting a research study to learn about the brain-body connection in youth with and without OCD, anxiety, and anorexia.

Youths between the ages of 12 and 17 who are right-handed, speak English, and able to undergo MRI are eligible to participate.

Participation involves:

  • Completion of an interview and standardized forms about psychiatric symptoms
  • Four visits to Johns Hopkins, which may involve up to 12 hours of total participation time
  • Completion of computer tasks, virtual reality experiences (including mindfulness and breathing exercises), ECG, and an MRI scan
  • Participants will be paid up to $200

Interested? For more information about eligibility and participation, contact the COACH study coordinator at COACH@jhmi.edu, or learn more about the study here.

This study is approved by a Johns Hopkins Medicine institutional review board. IRB00447147, PI: Joseph McGuire, PhD