Researchers are looking for people to participate in studies involving either fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) or TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) combined with fMRI.
Studies take 3-4 hours total, and you will be compensated $25/hour for your time. For more information on fMRI and/or TMS, see the NIMLAB webpage.
For more information on participating and to sign up, call us at 443-571-0947, or email us at
To be eligible to participate, you must:
** Be 18-85 years old for fMRI, 18-50 for TMS
** Be a native speaker of English (i.e., have learned English before the age of 5)
** Be right-handed
** Have a Social Security number or taxpayer ID (so we can pay you!)
** Have no history of neurological disorders
** Have no unremovable metal in your body (fillings in your teeth are OK)
** Have no history of claustrophobia
** For TMS studies: Have no history of heart or respiratory disease, seizures or strokes