Dissertation support for all KSAS graduate students

Looking for a supportive place to help you make progress on your dissertation writing? Come to Write on Site in Gilman 230! Sign up here.

Write on Site sessions will assist you as you write your dissertation by providing dedicated time, space, and community, along with guidance to help you develop a productive writing plan, establish realistic goals, and healthy writing habits to move the dissertation to the finish line.

Writers who participate in Write on Site are invited to engage in monthly workshops as well as weekly writing groups.

Part 1: Monthly Workshops, Fridays, noon to 4 p.m.—includes lunch, a session on key topics, and dedicated writing time

  • September Workshop: Sept. 13—Key Strategies for Dissertation Writing
  • October Workshop: Oct. 11—Engaging in scholarly conversations: interactive reading, note-taking, and source management
  • November Workshop: Nov. 15—Crafting a thesis statement and structuring your outline

Part 2: Weekly Writing Groups, 1:30 to 4 p.m.—tea and snacks provided and dedicated writing time

The writing group meets on Friday in Gilman 230 on Sept. 20 and 27; Oct. 4 and 25; Nov. 1 and 8; and Dec. 6.

For more information, contact Dr. Wenqi Cui, associate director for graduate writing support, wcui9@jh.edu.