Learning to Listen:The Office of Diversity and Inclusion facilitates a 90-minute workshop that can help members of the JHU community to develop skills in appreciative inquiry while also providing a space to share meaningful stories. We will use this moment in time to enhance our collective skills in listening across difference, perspective-taking, and community development. Appreciative conversations are those in which individuals bring value to their discussion, rather than seeking to depreciate, attack, or devalue others. Inquiry-based conversations are those in which listeners can respond with curiosity, asking sensitive questions that allow for deeper understanding, identify hidden possibilities, and initiate change. As such, appreciative inquiry provides a process for productive and meaningful dialogue.
Upcoming dates/times:
Oct. 28, from 10 a.m. to noon, in person in Baltimore (Scott-Bates Commons).
Register here.
Learning to Listen, Part 2, Holding Space for Empathy. The second part of the Learning to Listen session will focus on having empathy for diverse views and managing our own peace as we navigate difficult times.
Upcoming dates/times:
Nov. 21, from 10 a.m. to noon, in person in Baltimore (Scott-Bates Commons).
Register here