New process outlined for groups seeking Johns Hopkins sponsorship support

The team in the Johns Hopkins Office of Government, Community and Economic Partnerships has developed a new, streamlined process designed to provide transparency into how the university and health system direct charitable contributions in Baltimore and other surrounding communities.

Johns Hopkins has a proud, longstanding history of providing support to community-based nonprofits that address the social and health needs in the community. Past recipients of sponsorships include Project PLASE, which provides access to supportive and permanent housing for people experiencing homelessness; the Living Classrooms Foundation, which supports community programming addressing education, workforce development, health and wellness, and more; and WANDA, which supports "food as medicine" programming for the Black community.

To better manage and assess requests for sponsorship support, GCE has launched a new sponsorship portal. Since this portal was launched, more than 134 applications have been reviewed, resulting in 75 sponsorships and small grants awarded.

"I am very excited to kick off our new sponsorship process," said Maria Harris Tildon, vice president for government, community, and economic partnerships. "This new process allows us to more effectively review and prioritize our investments in a far more transparent and organized manner."

Community organizations seeking charitable contributions are asked to submit information via online application; at least eight weeks of lead time is required. Once the sponsorship team receives all of the required information, the request is then routed to a sponsorship committee for discussion and decision-making. The committee includes university and health system leadership as well as representatives from the offices of diversity and inclusion, human resources, marketing, communications, and more. The committee convenes bi-monthly to discuss recent applications and aims to notify organizations shortly thereafter.

Questions can be sent to the Office of Government, Community and Economic Partnerships at