Research Administrator Staff Recognition Awards Program: Awardees and honorable mentions

Last year, JHURA and ORA launched the Research Administrator Staff Recognition Awards Program to celebrate National Research Administrator Day and recognize our fantastic JHU research administrators.

Research administrators across the JHU divisions nominated colleagues for their exceptional work. A committee then selected the awardees and honorable mentions in the three categories (Research Administration Rookie Excellence, Research Administration Excellence, and Research Administration Leadership Excellence) based on these criteria.

The 2023 Research Administrator Staff Recognition awardees and honorable mentions are listed below. To learn more about them, visit the 2023 Research Administrator Staff Award Program Recipients page


Mirah Ippolito - School of Medicine (RA Excellence Award)
Steven Ransom - Whiting School of Engineering (RA Excellence Award).
Jamie Kendall - Whiting School of Engineering (RA Rookie Excellence Award).
Tony Brown - School of Medicine (RA Leadership Excellence Award)

Honorable Mentions

Neiksha Stephens - School of Medicine (RA Excellence Award)
Dermot Wynne - Bloomberg School of Public Health (RA Rookie Excellence Award)
Jennifer Berger - Krieger School of Arts and Sciences (RA Leadership Excellence Award)