Interfaith Spring Break

Join Religious and Spiritual Life for its Interfaith Spring Break experience taking place on March 18, 19, and 20. The event is free, lunch is provided, and participants can choose to participate in one, two, or all three days. Day one, Faith in Action, will have students discussing the role service plays in religious tradition combined with a visit and a volunteer opportunity with Catholic Charities and Our Daily Bread of Baltimore. Day two, the sacredness of place, will give students the opportunity to visit both a mosque and a synagogue and learn about the ways architecture, location, and community gathering are informed by religious expression. Lastly, day three, Arts & Faith, will give students the chance to visit the Walters Art Museum and meet with curators who will take students through the museum's religious art collection, discussing the ways that artistic expression and the visual arts manifests itself through religion.

Register for the event here.