Funding opportunity: Accelerated Translational Incubator Pilot (ATIP) Program

The ICTR is requesting applications for the Accelerated Translational Incubator Pilot (ATIP) Program. Morgan State University, University of Maryland, and Johns Hopkins University faculty members are eligible to apply.

Proposals submitted for consideration MUST satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Focus on secondary data analysis of existing datasets to explore new approaches in one of the following areas:

    • Integrating "omics" and clinical data
    • Integrating imaging and clinical data
    • Drug discovery and development000
  2. Emphasize how the project can help other research teams better understand and more successfully manage the process of integration of data (not necessarily the analysis of the data).

Overall, these projects are intended to: (1) explore possible innovative new leads or new directions for established investigators, (2) stimulate investigators from other areas to lend their expertise in research in clinical and translational science, and (3) provide initial support to establish proof of concept.

Please review the Request for Applications for a complete description of the funding requirements for this program. For questions and more information, email the Navigators at

The request for applications is here.
The website is here.