Lunch & Learn: Active Learning Techniques—Advice and Guidance From Experienced Faculty

What is active learning? How do you implement it? What are activities that support it? How can you become an active learning practitioner in a short period of time?

Broadly defined, active learning requires "students to construct knowledge, integrate new knowledge with prior knowledge, and organize information in their memory," as Amedee Martella, a cognitive scientist, describes it in a recent article for The Chronicle of Higher Education.

But what does that look like in the classroom? (If you have students do pair or group work, then you're probably already doing it.) And does it require a complete course redesign? (The majority of time, no; minor shifts can be enough.)

The Center for Teaching Excellence and Innovation and the Teaching Academy invite you to a Lunch and Learn session on active learning from noon to 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 12. Hear from experienced faculty about how they use active learning approaches in their classrooms and walk away with activities that you can implement during your next course session.

Faculty panelists

Michael Falk, Vice Dean of Undergraduate Education and Professor, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, WSE
Nate Brown, Senior Lecturer, University Writing Program, KSAS.
Robert Leheny, Professor and Department Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy, KSAS.

Logistical information

When: Tuesday, March 12, noon to 1:30 p.m.
Where: A hybrid event: The Garrett Room in the MSE Library and Zoom
Will there be food? Of course! For in-person attendees.

Register here.