Would your students benefit from an animation or simulation to help them understand a challenging concept in your course? Are you thinking about new digital resources to help you assess your students' learning? Would you just like to encourage more original thinking about your course content?
Applications are now open for the 2024–25 Instructional Enhancement Grant Program, a grant initiative administered by the Center for Teaching Excellence and Innovation (CTEI). The program is intended to encourage faculty to develop creative uses of digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning at Hopkins by partnering with student fellows.
Full details are available in the "Program Guidelines" document through the Instructional Enhancement Grant Program website: IEG Program Guidelines
Instructional Enhancement Grant Program (formerly the Technology Fellowship Grant)
WHAT: Mini-grant program that enables faculty/student teams to develop teaching resources for undergraduate courses.
WHO: Full-time faculty courses with significant full-time undergraduate enrollment. Student fellows can be full-time undergraduate or graduate students.
HOW: To submit applications, visit the Instructional Enhancement Grant Program Application Form You will need to use your JHED login and password (please use your jhedID@jh.edu, not jhu.edu).
WHEN: Applications are accepted through Sunday, March 31, @ 5 p.m.
AWARDS: Grant amount = up to $5,000 per faculty-student team: Students can earn up to $4,000 at an hourly rate. Faculty earn a $1,000 stipend at the conclusion of the project. Awards will be announced mid-April. Funding will become available May 2024 and will end in April 2025.
CONTACT: Yvonne Moore-Jones, program coordinator, at ymoorej@jhu.edu or 410-516-7181