Revisiting Science Diplomacy, an international research survey

People in the fields of science and technology are invited to take part in a unique "Revisiting Science Diplomacy" international research survey run by a team of scientists based at the Johns Hopkins Science Policy and Diplomacy Group (U.S.) and Japanese research institutions such as the University of Tokyo (Japan).

Purpose of this study

The purpose of this research is to gain insights into the perceptions and attitudes toward "Science and Technology Diplomacy," or "Science Diplomacy" for short, of diverse stakeholders engaged in the fields of science and technology.

The results of this online survey will be analyzed by the international research team and published as a policy paper, which is expected to be available in summer 2024. If you would like to receive the final report and the data used in it, you will receive a link to access it once the report has been compiled.

The international research survey form will be open until Feb. 29 and can be found here.

If you have any questions regarding this online survey, email