Bring your coffee/lunch and come join Scheduling & Event Services at Scott-Bates Commons MPR to learn more about the scheduling process for your events and meetings. During the information sessions, staff members will review some of the key components, tips and tricks, and Do's and Don'ts, of reserving spaces at JHU Homewood. Topics include classrooms, multipurpose rooms, outdoor spaces, and spaces that fall in between when it comes to scheduling. Names and information will also be collected to notify you of tours later this semester.
Here's the schedule for the upcoming info sessions:
Tuesday, 9 to 10 a.m., Scott-Bates Commons MPR, BYOC (bring your own coffee)
- For Feb. 6, sign up here
- For Feb. 13, sign up here
Wednesday, noon to 1 p.m., Scott-Bates Commons MPR, BYOL (bring your own lunch)
- For Feb. 7, sign up here
- For Feb. 14, sign up here