Explore and register for Love Data Week events, Feb. 12-16

The Johns Hopkins Libraries are pleased to announce that registration is now open for Love Data Week 2024, taking place virtually Feb. 12-16. This weeklong series of engaging talks, panel discussions, and workshops will explore how we participate in or are affected by data, including topics such as:

  • How to find and use data in your research
  • Ethical data sharing, management, and visualization
  • Open scholarship and reproducible research

Speakers include faculty, researchers, librarians, and other data specialists, both inside and outside Johns Hopkins. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn, connect, and make a difference in the world of data!

The week will kick off at 10 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 12, with opening remarks by Elisabeth M. Long, Sheridan Dean of University Libraries, Archives, and Museums, followed by a keynote presentation by Ana Navas-Acien, professor and vice chair of Research in the Department of Environmental Health Sciences at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. The talk is titled "Environment, Health and Justice: The Power of Community and Interdisciplinary Science."

The closing keynote on Feb. 16 will be given by Alex Szalay, a Bloomberg Distinguished Professor with appointments in JHU's Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and Whiting School of Engineering, and director of the Institute for Data Intensive Engineering and Science (IDIES).

To learn more and to register, visit the data services webpage on the Sheridan Libraries website.

To subscribe to the #LoveData2024 email list, send an email with the subject "subscribe lovedataweek" to: lovedataweek-request@lists.johnshopkins.edu.

If you have questions, email Johns Hopkins Data Services at dataservices@jhu.edu.

Love Data Week is an annual international event. This year's theme is My Kind of Data. JHU Love Data Week 2024 is organized by the Johns Hopkins Libraries: Sheridan Libraries, Welch Medical Library, Arthur Friedheim Library, APL Library, and SAIS Europe Library. It is presented in partnership with the Institute for Data-Intensive Engineering and Sciences (IDIES), Stavros Niarchos Foundation SNF Agora Institute, and Alexander Grass Humanities Institute (AGHI).