The Intuitive Computing Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University is recruiting participants for an in-home robot study. The researchers are looking for individuals 65 or above, inclusive, with no physical impediments that prevent mobility or carrying or lifting light weights. Participants must have no major health conditions preventing participation.
The study will require participants to program a robot arm to complete different tasks (no prior experience with technology, robots, or programming is required). The study may take up to 150 minutes. Two or three researchers will bring a robot, small table, and computer to your home during the study.
Participants will receive $20/hour compensation in the form of a gift card to a major retailer of their choice.
If you meet the eligibility criteria listed above and are interested in participating, send an email to or a text message to 443-508-8122 with the subject line In-Home Robot Programming Study.
This study is approved by the Homewood institutional review board at Johns Hopkins University #HIRB00014724.