The ARCADE lab is recruiting participants for an online research study examining intelligent decision support systems with natural conversation abilities. The study may take less than 30 minutes, and participants can enter a lottery to win one of five $20 Amazon gift cards. You can complete the study from the comfort of your home.
Participants must be between the ages of 18 and 65 and self-identify as fluent in English.
During the study, individuals will be introduced to simulated scenarios in which they have to determine the follow-up action that they believe to be most appropriate given the information provided. They will be asked to complete questionnaires related to their experience.
If you are interested in participating and meet the eligibility criteria, please submit your intention to participate in this form. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this research study, contact Dr. Mathias Unberath at
This study is approved by the Homewood institutional review board at Johns Hopkins University.
IRB No.: HIRB00016958