Participants needed for wrist sensory assessment robot study

Healthy participants are needed for a research study at the JHU Homewood campus, in Krieger Hall, room G60. The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between different assessments of wrist sense to develop diagnostic tools for wrist rehabilitation. The study consists of at least one session, which may last 90-180 minutes overall. At the end of the session(s), participants will be paid $10/hr in the form of an Amazon gift card.

Note that in order to be eligible, you must satisfy the following criteria:

  • Be between age 18 and 65, inclusive
  • Be English-speaking
  • Have normal upper-limb and hand function
  • Have normal or corrected-to-normal close-range vision
  • Have normal or corrected-to-normal close-range hearing

Please contact if you meet the eligibility criteria listed above and are interested in participating. If you would like to contact the principal investigator directly, email Jeremy Brown at

Jeremy D. Brown, PhD, principal investigator, JHM IRB protocol number: IRB00209185

(Notice: This is a rebroadcast of existing June 16 and July 3 study announcements. Please disregard if you already participated.)