Hopkins Familia ERG was established over five years ago in February 2018. Our members and allies have been raising cultural awareness, advocating, engaging, and supporting our employees, patients, and our local community.
One of our strategies is to increase collaboration and exposure across Johns Hopkins. Please share your insights by answering these 10 survey questions via the link on who you are and your interests, desired involvement, and suggestions (expected time ~3-5 minutes) by April 21.
The group is sponsored by Inez Stewart, senior vice president and chief human resources officer at Johns Hopkins Medicine, and Pablo A. Celnik, MD, director, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, School of Medicine.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Victor Hernandez and Wilson Lamy, Co-chairs, Hopkins Familia (HF) - The JHM Hispanic/LatinX Employee Resource Group (ERG)
Victor Hernandez, administrative fellow, Johns Hopkins Health System
Wilson Lamy, assistant director, JHM Quality & Safety System Initiatives