Inaugural Hopkins Substitute Teaching Corps

Looking for a meaningful, impactful, and enriching work opportunity next semester (fall 2023)? Join Johns Hopkins University's Inaugural Substitute Teaching Corps, or STC.

If selected for the STC, you will be a part of a cohort of JHU students providing critical coverage in Baltimore City Public Schools classrooms when teachers are absent. And you'll do it with SUPPORT. You'll be assigned to a specific BCPS school, and will be guaranteed work each week, on a designated day of your choice! You'll also participate in relevant professional learning and be a part of an ongoing Professional Learning Community designed to aid your success in the classroom, and career planning.

Plan ahead! To be eligible for the STC, you must be available at least one full school day (approximately, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.) each week in the fall semester. Plan your course schedule accordingly, and apply to the STC once you've registered.

For more information, visit the STC webpage.

If you have questions, contact Debbie Hollick at