The Institute for Health and Social Policy is pleased to announce a request for applications for the first cycle of the 2022–23 Lipitz Public Health Policy Faculty Awards. The awards provide financial resources in support of innovative, timely, and applied public health policy projects led by faculty at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Applicants are allowed to submit their proposals in each of the three cycles (for resubmissions, there must be a statement regarding what was changed based on the prior review). To be eligible, projects must be focused on U.S. public health policy issues. Priority will be given to projects that speak to the translation of research results into policy and of policy into legislation, but research activities in direct support of policy development or policy implementation will also be considered. In either case, we require that faculty engage a key decision maker or policymaker as a partner and "principal knowledge user" in support of translational efforts; collaborative arrangements between researchers and decision makers or policymakers are the distinctive feature of these awards. It is anticipated that project awards will range from $10,000 to $20,000.
For more information, go to the Lipitz Awards webpage of the Bloomberg School's Institute for Health and Social Policy website).