Healthy volunteers age 18-50 are needed to take part in a study at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. The researchers are seeking people who have used cannabis (marijuana) in the past but are not current frequent users.
The study will involve seven outpatient visits to the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, including one screening visit to determine your eligibility.
If you are eligible, you will be invited to complete three all-day study sessions that will involve administration of an edible brownie (containing THC and/or CBD) along with other commonly prescribed or over-the-counter drugs. Each of these sessions is followed by a one-hour visit the following morning.
You will be compensated $1,280 for your time and cooperation.
Call 410-550-1102, text YES to 443-961-5950, or fill out the initial screening survey here to be put in touch with a research staff member and see if you qualify.
Principal Investigator: Ryan Vandrey, PhD
Study Number: IRB00207237