Connect with International JHU Communities in the Reimagine Series: Hop Around The Globe

As the Fall semester goes on, Reimagine is launching a new series of articles: Hop Around the Globe – where we interview Johns Hopkins alumni who took the opportunity to work abroad.

Our first issue of Hop Around the Globe featured Anika Penn, an international investor and entrepreneur who graduated from the School of Advanced International Studies in 2010. During and after her graduation, she had an opportunity to work on various projects in Western China, Sub-Saharan Africa, eventually being based in Scotland, while working for an American investment firm, being a liaison between America and other parts of the world.

On Reimagine, we encourage students to think outside the box to reach their full potential. For those, who feel aspired to work abroad but do not know how to make these ambitions real, we will bring you best tips and practices from those who have walked this path before.

If you want to learn how to start your international journey, feel free to check out Reimagine and Hop Around the Globe monthly articles. You can start by reading about Anika's journey on Reimagine right now Read here