Oct. 23: Electrical service interruptions on the Homewood campus

On Saturday, Oct. 23, Plant Operations will be interrupting electric service to the buildings listed below. The duration of the outage for each building is minimal for the majority of buildings, but some will experience an extended outage. The outages will begin at 4 p.m. and will finish at approximately 4 a.m., Sunday. Oct. 24.

These outages are necessary to complete testing of our new generator that serves the Power Plant and our Cogeneration system. Additionally, we are trying to combine this outage with several other outages needed around campus to minimize the total disturbance. We need to install new electric power meters as well as remove the advanced power quality meters that were temporarily installed over the summer. We'll also perform preventive maintenance to the electrical substation serving Mason, Malone, Hackerman, and Substation No. 1. Please let us know if you have questions regarding these outages.

Buildings which will be without power for the entirety of the outage (7 a.m.–8 p.m.)

Mason Hall Malone Hall Hackerman Hall The Newsletter South Chiller Plant

Buildings that will experience a three-hour power interruption during the larger outage to install a new building power meter (three hours):

Olin Hall Barton Hall

Buildings that will experience a one-hour power interruption during the larger outage to remove the advanced power quality meters that were installed during the summer (one hour):

Krieger Remsen Hall Maryland Hall Croft Hall Ames Hall Dunning Hall Mudd Hall Levi Hall Bio East UTL Bloomberg

Buildings that will experience a power "blip" only at the end of the larger outage (<10 mins):

Clark Hall Olin Hall Hodson Hall Levering Hall Gilman Hall MSEL Krieger BLC Homewood Museum Remsen Hall Maryland Hall Merrick Barn Ames Hall Latrobe Hall Croft Hall Shaffer Hall Barton Hall Garland Hall