JHU Innovation Fund for Community Safety Awards 9 Grants

Nearly $6 million will fund the nine projects chosen to receive grant awards for the Johns Hopkins University's Innovation Fund for Community Safety.

Launched by President Ronald J. Daniels and Bloomberg School of Public Health Dean Ellen MacKenzie in September, the Fund began accepting applications in January for annual grants of up to $250,000 per project.

The initiative underscores the institution's commitment to reimagine community safety and will augment the university's existing work in Baltimore—financial investments, technical assistance, and legislative advocacy—supporting education, job training and creation, and public safety efforts.

A selection committee, comprised of six community residents and six Johns Hopkins affiliates, chose nine projects for three years of funding with the potential for an additional year based on progress of the project and the availability of funds. Collectively these projects support 30 community partners serving nearly 16,000 Baltimore residents in Charles Village, Homewood, and East Baltimore.

Learn more about the selected projects and community partners by visiting the Innovation Fund Website at https://www.jhu.edu/jhu-innovation-fund-for-community-safety/.