Join a 30-minute Ask the Expert Session with Beth Gotjen, senior management development specialist, from noon to 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 17. Beth has a master's in technical and scientific communications and a master's in human resource development.
The discussion will focus on how we work and, as such, how we communicate. For those of us still commuting to work, we spend more waking time on the job and with our colleagues than we do with our loved ones, but the workplace may have become more stressful. For those of us who are now working from home, we have to adjust to not spending as much time with our colleagues. How do we maintain those relationships with people we don't see every day?
Join from the meeting here.
Access code: 160 420 7243, meeting password: iGMjasUU568
Join by phone 404-410-4502