The JHU Innovation Fund for Community Safety is pleased to announce the fund's Selection Advisory Committee, a newly appointed group charged with making the funding recommendations for the $6 million fund aimed at reducing violent crime in Baltimore neighborhoods.
Read the Hub article.
The committee includes 12 individuals, including six community members—Baltimore City residents, local nonprofit leaders, and students—not affiliated with Johns Hopkins. The committee will meet regularly to review the proposal submissions for Innovation Fund grants based on the selection criteria outlined in the RFP. Each community-based nonprofit selected is eligible to receive up to $250,000 annually.
The six community residents are:
Burgundi Allison, program associate, Baltimore Civic Site and National Community Strategies, Annie E. Casey Foundation (co-chair)
amalia deloney, vice president, Robert W. Deutsch Foundation
Charlene Harrod-Owuamana, CEO, Owuamana Enterprises
DeJuan Patterson, CEO, Bridge Advisory Group
James Timpson, director of Youth Work and Crisis Intervention, Roca Baltimore
Lanae Williams, sophomore at Patapsco High School and Center for the Arts
The six members affiliated with Johns Hopkins are:
Ozioma Anyanwu, undergraduate and president of the Black Student Union, Johns Hopkins University
Otis Brawley, Bloomberg Distinguished Professor, Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Christopher Heaney, associate professor, Environmental Health and Engineering, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Vanya Jones, associate professor, Health, Behavior and Society, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (co-chair)
Regina Gail Malloy, executive assistant to the president, Johns Hopkins Hospital
Charles Scheeler, trustee, Johns Hopkins Board of Trustees
The committee will review more than 60 proposal submissions with a broad range of innovative approaches in youth employment, arts education, environmental improvements, and crisis mental health services.
To learn more about the JHU Innovation Fund for Community Safety visit its website.