Applications are currently being accepted for the Nexus Award for Johns Hopkins University Collaborative Behavioral, Social, and Systems Science Data Projects sponsored by the JHU Behavioral, Social and Systems Science Translational research community. Nexus Awards are designed to accelerate research by providing rapid, targeted funding to address critical gaps in clinical and translational research. This cycle, funds will be used to support research investigators interested in working with institutional, operational, or research teams to analyze existing data sets, which can be used to explore issues of health equity (specifically with respect to race, ethnicity, language, or insurance type/income).
The award provides up to $8,000 in direct costs and must be spent by June 30, 2021. All JHU faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate/undergraduate students with a JHU faculty mentor, who have a JHU, University of Maryland Baltimore, or Morgan State University* collaborator, are eligible to apply.
Applications are due by 5 p.m. Monday, March 1, and can be submitted here.
Please review the Request for Applications for all funding requirements. For more information, email the ICTR Navigators at