On Uncertainty is a new podcast hosted by students in JHU Flash Seminars featuring Hopkins faculty in discussions about their work, outside interests, current happenings, and more. Currently available episodes include conversations with Karen Fleming in the Biophysics Department, Jonathan Flombaum in the Psychology Department, and Clara Han in the Anthropology Department. In these episodes we discuss inclusion and diversity in STEM, the nature and testability of intelligence, and the impact of COVID-19 on low-income residents of Santiago, Chile, respectively. New episodes are released every Sunday morning.
On Uncertainty can be accessed on Anchor. Episodes can also be found on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and most other podcast distribution services.
If you are a faculty member interested in sharing a conversation with us or a student interested in participating or if you want to contact JHU Flash Seminars for any other reason, email us at jhuflashseminars@jhu.edu. Happy listening!