Work Stride Managing Cancer at Work caregiver support group

If you are an employee or caregivers caring for a loved one with cancer, you are invited to join us for a monthly support group meeting hosted by Work Stride Managing Cancer at Work. The meeting will be held remotely from noon to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 13. The speaker is Carla Jackson, a licensed clinical social worker with the Department of Palliative Medicine at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Her talk is titled "Got Wishes?: Exploring the Importance of Conversations That Convey Values and Planning for Your Health Care."

To join remotely, call 301-715-8592 and enter 979 1096 5388 when asked for the meeting ID or click here to join the meeting via Zoom.

Please join us for a time of education and support.


Eden Stotsky-Himelfarb, BSN, RN, ONN-CG
Rose Wolfe, RN, BSN, OCN, HTP, ONN-CG
Workplace Oncology Nurse Navigators
Johns Hopkins Work Stride: Managing Cancer at Work