Contemplative writing and mindful meditation require techniques that tap into deep and vast dimensions of human existence. Who are some writers who have explored these dimensions, such that their work necessarily unfolds from these contemplative wellsprings of life? This class will explore the powerful combination of meditation and writing in the memoirs of one Tibetan Buddhist, one Zen Buddhist, and one Trappist practitioner: Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Joan Halifax, and Thomas Merton. These teachers and writers have explored the contemplative mind and heart in order to reshape the schemata of values in their daily lives. All three memoirs, set in the midst of a personal spiritual journey, combine great storytelling with probing investigations into the purpose of existence. In addition to analyzing the readings, this course will introduce participants to basic meditative techniques and writing techniques as practiced by these writers.
911.310.01 via Zoom.
Thursday, Sept. 17 to Oct. 22, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $210 (six sessions)
JHU full-time faculty/staff are eligible for 80% remission. Unfortunately, you cannot register online and receive the discount. For registration details, email