New Lightning Talk: One Car at a Time

You can watch the newest Lightning Talk on YouTube after noon today, May13.

The presenter is Derrick Credito, an alum, MA in writing program.


This talk introduces Amsterdam as a beacon of environmentally friendly transportation options, including a total bicycle count outnumbering the actual human population, and free public transport provided to any passenger who happens to board a train or bus while carrying a book. In the decade since I started traveling to Amsterdam annually, I've noted a steady decline in the number of cars on the city's streets. The reduction of Amsterdam's collective carbon footprint related directly to proactive environmental policies that literally have taken cars off streets, paving the way for more ecologically sound modes of travel—and at the same time bringing more choices for commuters free from the "automobile culture." Amsterdam remains one of the safest cities in the world for local transport, and fatalities remain low when factored independently of, and in correlation with, the city's relatively small but dense population of under a million residents. Amsterdam is an environmental role model for cities and metro areas worldwide, and by presenting a statistically favorable overview of the city's safety and ecological viability, I encourage policy decisions that may seek to emulate the Amsterdam model of multiple transport options that serve to benefit residents locally and the environment at large.

This video is part of the premiere of "Hopkins Celebrates Earth Day 50." A new Lightning Talk is scheduled every Wednesday at noon through 2020.