Complete the 2020 census today

Johns Hopkins is asking all of its students, faculty, and staff to do their part to support the health and long-term prosperity of their communities: Complete the U.S. census. It takes only a few minutes, and the census form can be filled out online, over the phone, or by mail. You can do it right now at

The census counts everyone living in the United States, not just citizens. Among other direct results of census data, your response determines congressional representation and shapes the amount of federal funding your state and community receive for health care, education (including Pell Grants), infrastructure, emergency preparedness, business support, recreation, and many other areas for the next 10 years. Filling out the census represents an investment of thousands of dollars in your community.

If you are a college student, the Census Bureau directs you to fill out your form to indicate your school-related residence—where you reside or have resided for most of the year—as your home. This includes dorms and off-campus apartments. If you live off-campus with roommates, please work together to fill out one form for your household. If you did not receive your form prior to leaving campus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you can still fill it out without a Census ID number using the website. .

By law, the Census Bureau cannot release any identifiable information about you, your home, or your business, even to law enforcement agencies. It is protected under Title 13 of the U.S. Code.