With schools and day care facilities closed, the Maryland Hospital Association is working with the Maryland Department of Health, the Maryland State Department of Education, and nongovernmental organizations to make child care opportunities available to essential hospital workers in Maryland on a first-come, first-served basis. It is imperative that you respond quickly if you need child care.
Beginning Wednesday, March 25, the Y in Central Maryland will accept registration statewide for children ages 4 through 12 at 11 family centers. The state will cover the cost. Care is available for approximately 700 children of frontline health care workers and first responders, and more child care sites are expected in Maryland soon.
Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. The service is primarily intended for parents who are not able to keep their children at home or who can't make other child care arrangements.
Registration is available online; a list of locations in the registration link.