Alexander Grass Humanities Institute graduate research fellowships

The Alexander Grass Humanities Institute is offering graduate research fellowships for spring 2021. These one-semester fellowships:

  • Are tenable in the spring semester
  • Provide a full KSAS stipend, along with tuition costs equal to 20% of KSAS resident-student tuition, for the spring semester
  • Are intended to replace any departmental teaching requirements
  • Will come with access to AGHI space for work and meetings

AGHI fellows will be in the final stages of their dissertations with a high likelihood of completing their dissertations by the end of the academic year of the fellowship. Fellows will be free to devote their time to writing with few distractions and will only be expected to attend AGHI-sponsored events and meet as a group twice monthly with a faculty mentor to workshop their dissertations.

To apply:

The application period opened Jan. 1 and closes March 13. Submit the following to, with the subject heading AGHI Graduate Research Fellowship Application:

  • Concise (max. 500 words) abstract of the dissertation, including its methods and approaches and its greater significance for the humanities
  • Statement of work already accomplished and plan for work still to be done
  • CV
  • Letter of recommendation from your adviser