There's no better way to kick off the new year than by giving back to the community. You can sign up now to volunteer for Johns Hopkins' third annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service on Friday, Jan. 24. Consider giving a few hours of your time to support one of nearly 40 community organizations in and around Baltimore; Howard County, Md.; Washington, D.C.; and St. Petersburg, Fla.
Visit the Day of Service sign-up page to see volunteer opportunities near you. Each volunteer slot requires a time commitment of approximately four hours on Friday, Jan. 24. Be sure to coordinate arrangements for time away from the office with your manager or supervisor. Also, please refer to any relevant policies regarding using PTO or taking time off to perform community service.
New this year, we will also host a Community Health Fair in Baltimore on Saturday, Jan. 25, and we need volunteers. Please register on the Day of Service sign-up page to help at this event.
Another way to participate in the Day of Service is by donating new or lightly used men's, women's, and children's clothing at one of several collection sites on Johns Hopkins campuses. You can also volunteer to receive and sort clothes at these collection sites. Clothing will be accepted only during specified times on Friday, Jan. 24, and will be distributed the next day at the health fair. Learn more about the clothing drives and items that will be accepted on the MLK Day of Service website.
For more information about the Day of Service and to learn about other Johns Hopkins activities celebrating the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., visit the Inside Hopkins newsletter on the Johns Hopkins Medicine website and the Community Engagement webpage on the Human Resources website.
Thank you for helping us model Dr. King's life of servant leadership by participating in these events and making a difference in our communities. #HopkinsBetterTogether