For undergrads wanting to get to know some skills and topics in Python and/or Matlab at the beginning of the new year --- 3 brand-new week-long courses during this intersession are available for registration and all majors are welcome. In these courses, topics from basic language features and programming techniques to specific applications will be discussed and practiced, including some fancy topics like perhaps digital music, video processing (and of course, machine learning). For those who are beginners in programming, don't be intimidated by the technical terms -- everyone is speaking these languages nowadays and everyone is welcome. The courses are listed below. See SIS for more details.
EN.580.146 Matlab for everyone (1/6 to 1/10, 6:30 - 10:10 pm) EN.580.147 Python for everyone (1/13 to 1/17, 6:30 - 10:10 pm) EN.580.148 Application topics for Matlab and Python (1/20 to 1/24, 6:30 - 10:10 pm)