Participants needed for research study on brain activity during speech

Volunteers are needed for a paid experimental study investigating language production. Priority scheduling will be given to those who are available to participate during Intersession 2019, starting the week of Jan. 7.

Researchers utilize electroencephalogram (EEG) technology to record brain activity while participants wear an EEG cap on their head while naming images they see on a computer screen. The cap is made up of a net of many electrodes, which painlessly record brain activity. Participants must meet the following criteria:

  • Right-handed
  • Native English speaker (from birth)
  • 18-35 years of age
  • Wear hair loose (not tied or braided)
  • No history of neurological disorders or learning disabilities (including depression, ADHD, etc.)
  • No language disabilities (including history of speech therapy or speech impairments such as stuttering)
  • Normal or corrected-to-normal vision

Study sessions take place in Fells Point (Thames Street). Parking is reimbursed, and Johns Hopkins has shuttles for students and employees that travel to the area.

Compensation is $15/hour for a session lasting two to three hours.

If you are interested in participating:

  1. Complete this survey for information on language background.
  2. Contact Adna Jaganjac at to complete prescreening questionnaire specific to this study.

(IRB protocols: Understanding and Improving Language Production, Executive Control and Related Cognitive Functions, HIRB #IRB00044412, PI: Nazbanou Nozari)