You have focused on planning for your finances in retirement, but have you thought about where you will live? Or how you will spend your time? Relationships, community involvement, and housing are a few of the issues that retirees must think about as they enter this major life transition; recent research shows that the process of actively planning for these changes increases satisfaction in retirement years.
Join a Lifespan Services manager from the Office of Work, Life and Engagement to learn how to develop a vision for your retirement and avoid common pitfalls. This nonfinancial retirement-planning workshop is appropriate for faculty and staff within 10 years of retirement.
Thursday, Nov. 15, East Baltimore, noon to 1 p.m.
The Johns Hopkins Shuttle makes frequent runs between campuses. For more information on shuttle schedules, visit the Transportation Services website.
Register online or call 443-997-7000.
Visit the Work, Life and Engagement website for information about upcoming workshops and other programs.