When was the first time media represented a personal identity? When was the first time there was a film, a book, a TV episode, or any other form of media and thought "Wow, that seems like an experience I've had." Authentic media representation is pivotal in fostering acceptance for marginalized identities who are historically either invisible in mainstream media or portrayed using inaccurate stereotypes. When people finally see a person or character within a piece media that truly resonates with them, it is an incredibly powerful feeling.
In the wake of buzzing excitement surrounding media such as Crazy Rich Asians, Black Panther, and the reboot of Queer Eye, among others, the Inter-Asian Council presents the #FirstTimeISawMe campaign. The Inter-Asian Council wants to celebrate moments of realization with the screen, and to highlight stories about how media representation has had an impact on individuals' stories on campus. This project serves as a platform to explore the importance of authentically representing marginalized identities in film, TV, literature, video games, social media, and much, much more.
FirstTimeISawMe is seeking submissions from the community in hopes of shedding light on the impact of representation. If interested in sharing, fill out this form.
Send an email to iac@jhu.edu with any questions. For more information about the origins of this hashtag movement, see this article.