A Cappella Show - Saturday, Sept. 1, 7pm. Bloomberg Hall auditorium. Performances by all of JHU's a cappella groups, including classic pop, cultural groups, alternative rock, and more. Groups will be available in Levering Glass Pav after the show for sign-ups. Dance Show - Sunday, Sept. 2, 2pm. Baltimore Museum of Art auditorium. 20 student dance groups, including ballet, cultural groups, hip-hop and more, will present brief performances. Groups will be available on stage after the show for sign-ups. Theater Show - Monday, Sept. 3, 7pm. Arellano Theater, Levering Hall. Short performances by student theater groups, including stand-up, sketch comedy, improvisation, student-written plays, Broadway shows and more. Groups will be available in the Glass Pav after the show for sign-ups. Due to Shriver being closed, seating is limited to only freshmen and new graduate/transfer students. Advance sign up required at: https://goo.gl/forms/aoMlKHMQEpLMudFs1.