Hopkins EcoSmart Move Out: Spring Cleaning with a Meaning is the annual move out waste diversion program coordinated by Housing Operations, Homewood Recycling, and the Office of Sustainability at Johns Hopkins.
During move out, participants can donate gently-used apparel, books, housewares, and small appliances - NO TVs or upholstered furniture - to one of two Goodwill trucks located on 34th street in front of Wolman Hall and in between AMR I and II. An attendant will be available at each truck from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 5/9/18-5/19/18 (except Sunday). Participants can also donate unopened, non-perishable food and toiletries (shampoo, body wash, etc.) in the boxes located in the lobbies of Wolman, McCoy, AMRI & II, and Charles Commons. These items will be taken to Project PLASE a local nonprofit that provides transitional housing and support. Take the pledge here: https://tinyurl.com/ybmrerr3.
The move-out process at JHU produces a significant amount of waste in a short time span. Spring Cleaning with a Meaning reduces the amount of waste that would otherwise be incinerated, and instead encourages reuse by donating it.
Students can send questions about the program to incoming@jhu.edu or call 410-516-8282.