Stories either explain, in order to illustrate what happened, or they create windows and doors for the reader to witness or step into events. In this course, designed for writers of fiction, writers of personal experience, and writers of autobiographical fiction, participants connect story purpose and story potential with the perspective and distance that lend the most power to their own stories. Focus is on furthering an understanding of narrative writing in its many guises, with emphasis on story crafting and the honing of individual writing skills. Participants share their short stories and narrative essays in a supportive environment. There are two recommended texts for this class: On Writing Well by William Zinsser and Elements of Style by Strunk & White.
919.319.01 Homewood campus
Wednesdays, March 7 to May 9, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $325 (10 sessions)
JHU full-time faculty/staff and spouse/same-sex domestic partners are eligible for tuition remission. You will be unable to register online and receive the discount. Contact 410-516-8516 for more information.