James Harp, Lyric Opera Baltimore artistic director, gives two lectures that ask: Is Sweeny Todd opera?—or is it Broadway? Good question, but does it matter? Perhaps it depends on who's doing it. In this case, Baltimore Concert Opera presents a concert version of this ever so popular, albeit rather gruesome, story in song, with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and book by Hugh Wheeler. Join the BCO for a rollicking good time.
912.561.01 Homewood campus
Thursday, Feb. 15, 6:45 to 8:15 p.m. and Saturday, Feb. 17, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
912.516.02 includes lectures above & performance: Sunday, Feb. 25, 3 p.m. Baltimore Opera at the Engineers Club
Cost: $51, with performance $90
JHU full-time faculty/staff are eligible for tuition remission. You will be unable to register online and receive the discount. Contact 410-516-8516 for more information.