Johns Hopkins is asking all employees to go to the Employee Self Service website before Dec. 31 to select a delivery preference for their 2017 W-2 forms.
Want to receive your 2017 W-2 electronically?
You must log into ESS by Dec. 31 to complete your consent. This action is required even if you have consented and received your W-2 electronically in the past. For more information and step-by-step instructions, please visit the 2017 W-2 forms information webpage.
Want to receive your 2017 W-2 by mail?
If you do not complete the consent for electronic delivery by Dec. 31, 2017, your W-2 will be mailed to the permanent address in your ESS record by Jan. 31, 2018. If that is the option you prefer, it is still important that you go to the ESS page to make sure your permanent address is up-to-date.
Have questions?
Please check your email for the university announcement on this subject and visit the 2017 W-2 forms information webpage for more information.