Intersession alternative breaks reminder of available programs

Week-long, 2-credit, immersive programs focusing on Urban Education or Immigrant and Refugee Rights in Baltimore City. Unfortunately, the HIV/AIDS trip is full. Applications Accepted on a rolling basis, until spaces are filled

Intersession Alternative Breaks are week-long, immersive programs combining classroom instruction with direct service, site visits with community partners, tours around Baltimore, and reflection sessions. Each trip focuses on a particular social justice issue in the context of Baltimore. In the evenings, social activities are offered so that participants from the three concurrent programs can meet each other and share experiences. These programs take place during the last week of Intersession. Students will earn two credits for completing the week-long programs, which are taught and primarily organized by an instructor and supported by two student leaders and the CSC staff. Each trip has 12 student participants, two (paid) Trip Leaders, and an instructor.

Applications and more information (including a detailed FAQ) about the programs are available on our website:​​