Healthy females ages 13-24 needed for research study

A research team in the Johns Hopkins Department of Gynecology is seeking healthy females ages 13-24 for a research study of normal vaginal bacteria. Study consists of four visits with our research team. The first visit will include a full GYN exam by a doctor or midwife, blood work, vaginal swabs, and a questionnaire (should take 10-15 minutes) on a tablet. Future visits are shorter. You will also be asked to collect some swabs at home between visits. Compensation up to $220 is provided for your time.

You may be eligible if you:

  • Are between the ages of 13 and 24
  • Have had vaginal sex before
  • Have regular periods and are not using any hormonal birth control OR are planning to start Depo-Provera

If you are interested, please email us at and reference the Hub post.

PI: Dr. Jenell Coleman IRB#: IRB00126504