As of July 1, 2016, the Scheduling Office and Conference Services merged into Scheduling & Event Services. In trying to make the scheduling experience for student organizations as seamless as possible and accommodate requests, the process for scheduling your weekly meetings and special events for the 2017 Fall semester is changing.
One special on-line form for all student organizations will be available to schedule two special events and weekly fall meetings. Keep in mind as you schedule your weekly fall meetings that fall weekly meetings will continue to roll over to the spring semester for the same date and time. You will only need to schedule your spring weekly meetings if the day and time you have for the fall absolutely will not work for spring. Please note, there will be limited availability due to rolling those meetings over in the spring. Reservations during scheduling period will not be accepted through the normal on-line reservation site and only through the on-line form that will be distributed through the Scheduling and Event Services email notification as well as posted through the Today's Announcements for students. Please keep an eye out for this information as there are many changes taking place for the fall.
Scheduling period will begin April 17 thru April 30 for your two special event requests via the on-line form you will be sent. Additional special event requests beyond the initial two submitted during scheduling period, will be accepted via the regular on-line scheduling site starting July 3, 2017. Student organization fall weekly meetings can be scheduled April 17th through June 16 via the on-line form sent out. Please note this is the only time student weekly meetings will be scheduled for the fall. If you don't get your weekly meeting request in by June 16th, you will need to obtain general pool classroom space for your weekly meetings for fall. Once scheduling period ends, there is no meeting space available every week for the same day and time period to hold weekly meetings which is why it is essential for you to get your weekly meeting needs submitted during scheduling period, April 17 - June 16th.
More information will be coming via an email from Scheduling and Event Services and in the Today's Announcements so please look for this information. A link for the on-line form will also be available on the Scheduling & Events website. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call Scheduling & Events at 410-516-8209 or stop by the office located at 102 Levering Hall.